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Jan 30, 2013

19 Things Beyonce's Awesome Backstage Photos Can Tell Us About Her Super Bowl Show

30jan 2013...Wednesday

On Sunday, millions of people across the world will tune in to watch big men in tight uniforms chase an each around in the hopes of hoisting a silver football on a stick while confetti rains upon them. If that's not your thing, there's still one big reason to tune in for the Super Bowl: Beyonce.

Bey's the halftime entertainment, and coming off that lip-synching controversy earlier this month at Obama's inauguration, she's out to prove the doubters wrong. Based on the jaw-dropping backstage photos Beyonce's been posting on her blog, we're pretty sure it's going to be an epic performance. Here's what we've gathered.

19. New Orleans is very excited to have Beyonce around.

18. Bey's read to break out some new moves.

17. When it comes to rehearsals, she's the first to arrive...

16. ...and the last to leave.

15. Her backup dancers are very, very flexible.

14. A Super Bowl halftime show isn't a Super Bowl halftime show without keytars.

13. Bey doesn't have time for makeup. (This is the SUPER BOWL!)

12. She's still dancing in heels.

11. They're still putting her in tight clothes.

11. To get through something like this, you have to laugh at yourself.

9. She's taken inspiration from flash mobs.

8. Beyonce enjoys an elaborate backdrop.

7. She's feeling brassy.

6. This kind of hard work makes napping a necessity.

5. Her drummer has a monster kit and some serious flare.

4. Bey keeps her mic pristine.

3. She knows how to rock out.

2. You've gotta stretch it out before killing it on the stage.

1. Whatever happens on Sunday, just let the girl live.

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