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Daxx Cruzin in Dubai,video

Aug 21, 2012

U must be a bodyguard of yo girl anywhere u go wih her

Posted on Daxx 21Aug 2012

 Dont forget o be behind her,his is for more protection in her,its makes u easy to handle anything happen between u too
 Be the first to step out of the car,so u can open he door for her..thats make her feel so special
 Drive her...and dont let her drive u
 Make her smile while ur driving her
 Show her a right way to step in
 Dont forgrt to open the Door for her make her a Princess

 Dont forgrt to look around just incase of anyhing
 Open the door for her,so she can feel comfotable

 U have to look around evrytime and do not relax..coz u never knw,any thing can happen

 Always be behind your Girl to protect her

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